Getting started

A good place to start

We are raising the bar of excellence and ensuring all children in Tennessee have access to high-quality education.

Charter 101

  • We cover the basics about charters in Tennessee. Start here for what to know before you apply and how to apply.
  • Audience: Charter novices to Tennessee
  • Contact: Joshua Perkins,

Application Support

  • Applying for a charter is a complex process. As a resource, we review the process of completing a charter application and connect applicants to additional resources for support.
  • Audience: Prospective charter leaders
  • Contact: Joshua Perkins,

Start-up Grants

  • TCSC facilitates and manages the Walton Family Foundation’s start-up grant program for the organization in Tennessee. Newly authorized charter schools are welcome to apply.
  • Audience: Authorized charter schools
  • Contact: Joshua Perkins,